Tag Archive | iPad

Overgrown Goldfish – Carp

My last qualified fish before I became unqualified for the Mixed-Bag tourney was a Carp. Some people apparently get ‘fever’ from this.


While I am not one in on the ‘Carp-Craze’- I was intrigued at the gold color and symmetry of its scales. For the record, and not to be a total hater- the fish did fight well and put a big bend in the rod. But in the end I still think Carp are ugly fish. For those of you who don’t. I’ve made the featured photo above. I made it with my iPad on Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, and you can use it as a wallpaper/background for the electronic device of your choosing; for free!

See you on the high ground,


Today I am stepping outside the Everyday in May topic prompt list to talk about FishArt. If fly fishing isn’t part art form and science combined, then I don’t know what is. I hate the term warrior poet so I won’t point to it here- but I did find some interesting information. I was researching the Outdoor Blogger Network (OBN) and going thru some FAQs. I ended up looking at the directory of outdoor blogs. Click fishing blogs and there is an interesting number- almost 50% more fly fishing blogs to just fishing blogs.


Because we think we are all warri, no I’m not saying it- we have a creative streak in us in addition to the outdoor drive. So we write about it, we draw the fish we catch and take pictures of them. I like this. I may not be any good at it- but it draws out something inside of me I almost once lost. As a kid there was nothing more I liked than to draw. In high school I was into photography. Somewhere along the road of life I let that go or thought I grew out of it. Maybe I thought it wasn’t any good or it wasn’t good enough. Now, I just don’t care. Now I pick up pen and paper, I shoot iPhone photos with iPad filters, and have this thing called a blog.

So with this Everyday in May challenge, I challenge you do do something creative and something expressive. Reach way back into your tool kit bag and find that piece of you that you may have hidden away. Then share it because I bet it’s something special.

Click the FlyArt/FishArt categories on the “In the Scope” in the side bar to see my work. Good or not I’m proud of it and had fun. Thanks.

See you on the high ground,

Today’s topic of FishArt is a deviation of the Everyday in May challenge. For more info click here. For all AirborneAngler Everyday in May posts click here.

Line Side Big Mouth

I almost named this Fish Art post “Southern Largemouth Trout”. However, it was a misread of largemouth bass nicknames that were separated by a comma which I missed. The list that I found is located online here. Additionally, I figure it’s not fair to the sturdy holdover trout here in the Texas Hill Country that get stocked annually in the Guadalupe River. Line side and big mouth just happened to be the next two in line I liked the most. So, I decided to combine them. Who knows, maybe Southern Bigmouth Trout will stick though?

In lack of being able to fly fish the past several days- I submit this Autodesk Sketchbook Pro generated art I made as the background for the device of your choosing. Bass- Largemouth, Smallmouth, coveted Guadie, or any bass for that matter are my preferred game fish here in Tejas. Recent competition in a Hill Country tourney have me chunking flies at any and everything. But since I haven’t been doing any of that lately, my routine iPad Terminal Angler Syndrome (TAS) therapy is helping the symptoms abate. Enjoy!

See you on the high ground,

Mr. Whiskers

Look, I know my artistic abilities are limited- but I appreciate that some people can’t draw a straight line. Stick figures can be challenging. I’m not one to judge. While I am no Picasso, I like how my iPad or iPhone can add that little extra touch to my fly fishing passions. Because my fly fishing passions can definitely use some kind of mystical/magical help. And don’t let any paratrooper out there lie to you. The Airborne is superstitious, and yes, they believe in magic. Lucky boots, lucky parachute…. whatever.

This was my first catfish caught on a fly. Because a flip-flappy bluegill at a young age gave me a bad fish handling PTSD experience, (thank you Mom for unhooking all my fish the rest of that day) I was glad my lucky friend Dave was there for the step-by-step pointers to avoid the cat’s pointers. I’ve since recovered and learned fish handling judo. Mr. Whiskers portrayed here is in a three fingered fin bar.

The Blanco River where this picture was taken has been on my mind as of late and has been good to me. It’s riffles, runs, and deep pools hold deep magic.

(Insert Bullwinkle voiceover) Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbitcatfish outta my hat!

(Insert Rocky voiceover) Not again!

Oh yes, again. Magic. Tah-duh!

See you on the high ground,

Shady Brown

Hey there fish fans. Here is some new fish art for you straight from… from, well, uh. The drawing is from me. However, because I cannot recall or site where I obtained the photo I saved on my iPad camera roll- I’ve had to take a snapshot/screen shot to use it here on the blog. So below, is a photo of my camera roll.

If you can identify where the photo is from let me know so I can give credit where credit is due. It’s truly an amazing photo and provided some motivation to get to the sketch pad. On a side note, it was an awkward two handed movement to open, shrink, rotate and press the lock screen and main buttons to get the snapshot. Pretty much all at the same time. I am kind of proud of that. So without further ado, here is Shady Brown.

So, there you have it fish heads. I hope you like it as much as I do. If not, and you think you can do better- you should. Do it. Doooooooo it.

Until then- see you on the high ground,



So here we have it fish fans, the latest trout skin rendition fresh off my iPad via sketchbook pro. On request I’ve tried to finger-paint recreate some Cutthroat Trout action for a nice little back drop on your iPhone, iPad, smartphone device and or tablet. No apologies here if something is off because the Cutty is on my bucket list.

Honestly though- if you can do better I’d really like to see it. Fly fishing for me is more than being on the water, it’s an art too. Being on the water is the best part of it; no doubt, but it’s about the chase as well. Its about all the prep work and fly tying. After a good catch its about the story telling, fish tales of fish tails. Picture taking and picture painting. So put it out there and share your Cutty art.

Until then, I’ll see you on the high ground,

Previous FishSkins:
Brown Trout



Originally posted on 08 March 2012 at Lines In The Dirt.

I’m claiming artistic license on this one. Purists will argue I have it all wrong and my spots are off with the shot gun pattern spray of halos; but I don’t care. This is my Brookie interpretation and I like it. After all fishing is about enjoying the moment and the chase. (Much like all our short lived high school flings.) At least it is for me anyways. But, I’ve enjoyed attempting this Brook Trout skin after there was a quasi request comment on my Brown Trout piece last week. Same set up on the Sketchbook Pro and watermark overlay with PhotoStudio. On a final note, my first fish experience ended with a pretty Brookie in Estes Park, Co. That’s what has started this crush I have on fly fishing. It’s why I day dream and make wallpapers like this for my phone. Pathetic puppy love with fish; ain’t it grand? What’s your fish story?

Previous FishSkins:
Brown Trout