Tag Archive | Crayfish


I like tying a fly for the first time. Maybe the second time or two after that trying to figure out how to get it right. The validation for doing it right comes when you get a fish to hand. After that-I hate having to reload. Somehow I want each fly to last forever. I mean there is a personal investment in time spent at that vise. It drives me monkey/cheetah flip crazy to lose a fly in less time than it took me to tie it. Every submerged branch or limb in the air stealing hours of my life- its just not right. It’s just not right. Of all the fish I tie for- I despise you only you tree fish. Only you.

Today’s topic of Tying is prompted by the Everyday in May challenge. For more info click here. For all AirborneAngler Everyday in May posts click here.

Crayfish FlyArt


Continuing to reach for pencil and paper this week I have drawn my first fly. For the critical eye of the expert fly tier all materials involved may have better substitutes.


However, I am a true believer of the old infantryism that claims ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.’. For me this crayfish pattern has worked. So while it works I will not soon fix it. (Maybe a tweak to flip the hook.)


Luckily, I still have the fly shown here- my first attempt at the vise. So much of fly fishing is becoming art for me. This little piece I would like to share with you.

See you on the high ground,